La Questione Romana:
Italian (Royal) Rome v. Papal (Black) Rome

Pius IX: 1846-1878

Neoguelphism: federation of Italian states under presidency of Pope
1848-1849 Roman Republic of Mazzini & Garibaldi
                                          New Constitution for Piedmont
1860 Piedmont invades and occupies Papal States
1864 September Convention: Withdrawal of French troops from Rome
1864 Syllabus of Errors: papal condemnation of modern society
                        against freedom of speech, freedom of thought
1869 Vatican Council (declaration of Papal infallibility)

1870 September 20 Italian occupation of Rome
                  Pope declares himself prisoner in the Vatican
1871 Law of Guarantees to regulate Italian/Papal relations

Roma capitale (1870) and urbanistic palimpsest

Royal Rome vs. Papal (black) Rome

         Urbanistic propaganda:      Anti-clerical / Risorgimento monumentalit

  A) Modernization of the city:
         wider streets, urban renewal, new modern neighborhoods

  B) Occupation of church property by Italian government

C) Monuments to Risorgimento heroes and “liberi pensatori” (free thinkers)
         Giordano Bruno (Campo dei Fiori) Cola di Rienzo (base of Capitoline Hill)

D) Monumental structures to compete with Papal Rome
Monument to Victore Emmanule II -- the wedding cake

Post-Risorgimento disillusionment
Distrust of parliamentarian government, trasformismo
Class unrest: Socialist Party 1892 / Communist Party 1920
Imperialism: loss of Tunisia to France in 1881
WW I and the “vittoria mutilata” or mutilated victory

Italian Futurism, founded by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, 1909
Gabriele D’Annunzio (1863-1938): Founder of new Latin type
-- Italian Nationalist Association (founded 1910): proletarian colonialism
-- Giovanni Gentile, Ethical Fascism and the Totalitarian State

Mussolini and Italian Fascism, 1922-1945

Marinetti: “Portrait of Mussolini” (1929)

"Mussolini has an exuberant, overwhelming, swift temperament. He is free. His patriotism is physiological because physically he is built all’italiana, forged, carved to the model of the mighty rocks of our peninsula. Square crushing jaws, massive rock-like head, but ultradynamic eyes that dart with the speed of automobiles racing on the Lombard plains. The baldness of an electric lamp. His masterful head is like a squared-off projectile, a package full of good gunpowder, the cubic will of the State. Teeth of steel. His will splits the crowd like a swift antisubmarine boat, an exploding torpedo."

Fascist myth of Rome (romanita’)

         “We dream of a Roman Italy, that is to say wise, strong, disciplined, and imperial.  Much of that which was the immortal spirit of Rome is reborn in Fascism: the Fasces are Roman; our organization of combat is Roman, our pride and our courage are Roman: Civis romanus sum. [I am a Roman citizen.] Now, it is necessary that the
history of tomorrow, the history we fervently wish to create, not represent a contrast or a parody of the history of yesterday. Ours is not a nostalgic contemplation of the past, but hard preparation for the future.  Rome is our starting point and our reference point; it is our symbol, or if you will our Myth.  The Romans were not only combatants,
but also formidable constructors who could challenge Time, and so shall we."

         The Fascist Credo

         “I believe in eternal Rome, mother of my Country—And in Italy her firstborn—Who was born from her virgin womb through the grace of God—Who suffered under the barbarian invaders, was crucified, died and buried—Who descended into the grave, rose from the dead in the 19th century— Who rose in glory to Heaven in 1918 and 1922—Who sits at the right hand of Mother Rome—Who will come from there to judge the evil and the dead—I believe in the genius of Mussolini—In our Holy Father Fascism and in the communion of the martyrs—In the conversion of Italians and—In the resurrection of the Empire.—Amen.”


         --Nationalist: An authoritarian dictatorship that sees the nation (state or race) as the regulator of all history and life based on indisputable authority of the leader.

         --Antidemocratic: It rejects the “spirit” of democracy with its emphasis on individual liberty and equality (it is the nation which is absolute).  It replaces “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” with the slogan “To believe, to obey, to fight.” (“Credere, Obbedire, Combattere”).

         --Militarist: The combination of an unquestioning faith and of a virile combativeness was to transform the
nation into a permanently mobilized armed force to conquer, maintain, and expand power.

         --Totalitarian: The faith in the nation and the state take on a religious quality in which dissent is not permitted.

         “We must liberate all of ancient Rome from the mediocre construction that disfigures it--the millennial monuments of our history must loom gigantic in their necessary solitude --but side by side with the Rome of antiquity and Christianity we must also create the monumental Rome of the 20th Century.  Rome cannot, must not, be solely a
modern city, in the by now banal sense of that word; it must be a city worthy of its glory, and that glory must be revived tirelessly to pass it on as the legacy of the Fascist era to generations to come.... In five years Rome must appear marvelous to all the people of the world: vast, ordered, powerful as it was in the time of the first emperor Augustus. 
The Third Rome must spread onto other hills along the shores of the sacred river until the beaches of the Tyrrhenian Sea.  A straight highway which must be the longest and widest in the world will move the incentive of mare nostrum from the
resurrected port of Ostia to the very heart of the city.”

Fascist urban planning (1922-43)    Myth of Rome (romanita’)

Creation of Fascist thoroughfares (sventramento)
Isolation of Ancient Monuments in their grandeur /    juxtaposed to new Fascist Rome
                      Mausoleum of Augustus

Mussolini’s building projects Construction of New Fascist Rome            
          Vatican approach: Via della Conciliazione
          Via dei fori imperiali (marches troops in front of Colosseum)
         North: Foro Italico (begun 1928) stadium

         EUR  Esposizione Universale Romana
: (new city outside Rome)

         Inscription on Palazzo della Civilta'
          Un popolo di poeti, di artisti di eroi  (A people of poets, artists, heroes
          Di santi di pensatori di scienziata    (Of saints, of thinkers, of scientists
          Di navigatori di trasmigratori             (Of navigators, of aviators

Successors to the fascist party in Italy

MSI  Movimento sociale Italiano
Alleanza Nazionale (current right wing party)